to dad and mom, with love

Friday, October 26, 2007

11:29 PM | 6 Comments

is it really rewarding to have kids?

people always say that having kids might be the most wonderful experience in this whole world.

i wonder how much of that statement is true?

you feel overwhelmed when the doctor tells you that you're going to have a baby;

you get excited when the baby first kicks;

you bask in happiness when you finally cradle that tiny life form in your arms, knowing that it's part of you;

knowing that one day the baby will grow up to be just like you.

all these, so exhilirating and promising.

but i wonder how it feels...

when you first realize that your child refuses to hold your hands anymore?

when you first notice that your child is ashamed to kiss you in front of others?

when your child tells you he hates you because you won't let him hang out late with his friends?

or the lonely feeling that swallows you, when your child rathers spend time with her new boyfriend than to go to the mall with you?

honestly, i think it's difficult. it's heart-breaking.

to be given such an amazing gift, a sparkle in your life. only to know that it the light will dim someday.

and that, one day, when you least expect it, you will have to learn to let go.

that you can't protect that tiny life form you cherished so much anymore,

because now it's too big and it has its own opinions.

it doesn't want your protection anymore.

ungrateful bastards we are,

aren't we?

i feel sorry for the way i've treated my parents sometimes.

deep down inside i really love them, i hope they know that.

but sometimes, it's just so much easier to say it out in a blog than to tell them about it.

it is, so much easier here.


wde said...

Why are u emo all of a sudden?
Trying to make the whole world cry on a Saturday meh?

Evelyn said...

Hey babe, I'm pretty sure with all the nastiness we subject our parents to they know that we're fruition of an antithetical nature. Their lurve for us is magnanimous to say the least: we can be real louts at times but I'm certain we're endearing ones in essence ;)

Littleplate said...

oy poots. leave comments where other ppl can understand can? i do lar, but already got one chu here asking for translation T_T

soo imm said...

adrian: i am being the emo kid now can =.=

eve: *speechless*

sara: thank u~ XD

Evelyn said...

I leave comments to cheer you up now cannot is it? *pui* The lack of regard for my concern. Tsk.

soo imm said...

eve: mana ada~amat sayang u k ;) *HUGS* heheh


animals. dancing. food. friends. shopping. travelling. all the things she likes. and everything about her.