分手日记 1

Sunday, May 19, 2013

10:36 AM | 0 Comments

I guess the first thing you need to get used to when you break up with someone are the innocent questions people around you will tend to ask:

"Where is he?"
"Why so free?"
"How are you guys"

While they wait for your answer expectantly, you have to gather all your emotions and answer in a calm and nonchalant manner that: "We have broken up." 

You speak in that manner because you don't want to shake things. It's as if any trace of emotions and all the sadness you tried so hard to hold in would break out and consume you.

The next thing would be the crying spells that come here and then. And always unexpectedly. 
It happens in the middle of the night, it happens when you first open your eyes to a new day, it happens when you drive, it happens when you see the things he gave you. To the point that you don't know how to stop it from happening, because to be honest, you don't want to cry anymore.

But you know...

You cry because you miss the person so much.
You cry because it hurts so much that things are over.
And then you just keep crying because of that pain that won't go away in your heart. 

And you know that for the next few weeks and months, no matter how, you will never find that inner peace in you. 

Not until you find a way to let go...of every hope you had with him.


animals. dancing. food. friends. shopping. travelling. all the things she likes. and everything about her.