3 months

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10:05 PM | 2 Comments

Finally :')

The 3 months marker. Felt like it's been a year.

Long distance is really not easy. You don't get to hold the person, kiss him, go shopping together or have romantic dinners whenever you want to.

But everyday you still get to hear his voice, talk about how his day has been and know that he loves you so much no matter how far you are from him.

And that's just the most beautiful feeling to me now :)

I really do.

Counting down the days till I'm home again.

p/s: no laughing at my stickman drawing! that's like my most advanced drawing already sobs *sad*


Sue Lin said...

Your stick pictures are cute!!! :) congrats on the 3 month anniversary!

soo imm said...

thank you dearie! :)


animals. dancing. food. friends. shopping. travelling. all the things she likes. and everything about her.