We did't really prepare much to be honest. Just bought a fleece mat for 10 bucks and brought a bag of chips LOL.
camwhore sessions on the way xD
First stop was Eumandi Market where there were over 500 stalls selling handcrafts and some local goods. Didn't take alot of pics of the stalls because I was busy looking at stuffs heh.
that's my housemate cum bigbang and gossip girl kaki *hearts*
a banner with lots of cute sayings. can click the pic to enlarge!
puppets singing! the dude behind has strings tied to every limb of his body to move them @.@"
Gourmet calamari! so says the board haha. and it's actually quite yummy!
Saw a very old school merry-go-round that caught my attention =)
After that housemate brought us to the malls famous in the area.
And I did more damage to my wallet T___T
Haih seriously....I don't think I'll ever get bored of the shopping here. I MEAN LOOK AT THOSE DESIGNS!
I bought everything on me from Aussie, the top, the bikini, the skirt, the sandals!
Last stop we decided to try out our new fleece mat at the beach. Housemate and I were contemplating of buying a set of bucket and shovels for the beach but then we thought that we'd look a wee bit over-age to play with that haha.
saw Maxine's car!
the beach!! *kicks off sandals and runs!*
I spy someone fishing the most relaxing sight ever =)
Felt good to have my feet in the waves =)
One year down and another to go...oh i'm hating and lurving this place much.
Love the pix of u in sunnies!
sue: gives the vacation feel right ;)
and thanks for always commenting! motivates and reminds me to blog LOL *hugs*
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