my favourite beanie at the moment :D
three more days and my parents will be here!
it feels so weird. for half a year I've been seeing them on the screen and now I'm wondering what it's like to see and hold them in flesh again.
This is what long distance does to you :(
and I'm at a stage where I'm trying to finalize which new blog name to use. There were a few good suggestions thanks to my ever lovely and creative friends ;)
1. purplehearts
2. fragilesnippets
3. purplepillow
4. fragilethoughts
If you notice there's a theme around here, one is my favourite colour and another one is the nick I used to go by :)
I'll probably change to the new one next month. Till then drop me a message if you happen to have any ideas! Thank you *mwaahh*
I will obviously go for PurpleHearts
But dear friend said never ever choose option 2 because at a glance it looks like fragilesnipples LOL
But we both think purplepillow sounds cute and nice, and intimate too..Something like pillow talk :)
HAHAHAH OMG what is wrong with his eyes!! >.<
and im kinda liking purplepillow too. very random and cute at the same time =D
hahahaha tat's the first thing he said out of all the options available!
I think he's jz horny gua LOL..
Go for purplepillow then! the name very sweet, jz like u :)
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