this is a long long story on my 1st ever "suffast"
it all started when kor kor suddenly walked into the kitchen 1 night and proclaimed that:
we all stared at him, puzzled.
not all chicken rice the same meh?
and so we started our journey in search of the dengkil chicken rice.
it was all well-planned where kor and i would sneak out to james place and then head over to dengkil together.
why must we sneak out you say?
the 1st time when we excitedly told dad and mom about our chicken rice journey,
mom pointed at me and said:
"you go out in the middle of the night manggali will rape you."
i was stunned.
then daddy pointed at kor kor and said:
"you go out in the middle of the night manggali will rob you."
double stunned.
and then we both got grounded for the night.
super potong steam.
but we never gave up.
2 days ago kor sms-ed me and said:
"we got 2 new comrades! it's time to embark on our chicken rice journey!"
and so at midnight kor crept into my room and woke me up and i quietly followed him out.
we were discussing in his room when SUDDENLY...
po po found out about us.
oh shit.
"we go james house to play ma" explained kor. (which is the truth oso)
"WHY GO SO LATE AHHH? SO LATE VERY DANGEROUS %^#*&@(@*@&@%@%^@&@*@(@"
and so she started on manggali theory again.
but kor and i stood firm and insisted to go to james's place. then po po got angry,
"I DUN CARE LAH!" she said, and started waving her hands in the air and stomped back into her room.
quickly, kor and i tip-toed down the stairs and fumbled with the keys cause it was dark.
then we noticed that some1 else had found out about us.
standing high on the stairs with her eyes boring into us,
we knew we were in deep shit.
slowly, she descended from the stairs and strolled towards us...
kor and i stood there stiffly, afraid that she might just wake all the others and get us into super deep shit.
as she appraoched us she stopped......and licked us.
her tail-wagging excitedly hoping that we would take her along with us.
silly dog.
i had to sayang her hoping that she won't bark and give us away while kor opened the doors. once we were out we quickly headed to the gate and as my bro was about to press the button to open the gate i stopped him.
"they'll hear the gate lah"
"ya hor. then how?"
"let's climb"
"i no problem. u can or not?"
i was confident,
then kor pulled himself onto the fence that seperated us from our neighbour and started to inch towards the pillar so that he can climb over it and reach the other side. everything was going well when SUDDENLY...
the slab of rock on the pillar that my bro had 1 foot on started to TILT.
kor turned around, looked at the gate, then looked at me, and whispered:
"know what? let's use the gate."
i nodded in agreement.
so kor climbed down from the fence and we opened the gate and dashed into the car. all the while there were 2 malays sitting outside their house opposite us staring at us in awe.
they must be thinking that we're 2 siao kias.
anyway we drove over to james's place which was only less than 30 seconds walk away and his gf - kelly opened the door for us.
there, we decided it was still early cause the shop only opens at 4 a.m so we hung around and played poker.
i placed my biggest bet ever there- 50 million.
walau eh, how many times in life can you actually bet like that?
of course, everything is possible with monopoly currency hehe.
i was winning when we checked on the time and decided that it was time to leave.
and so at 3.30 a.m we left pj and started our long journey towards dengkil.

the sky so dark.

eh wait, the roads also dark.
stupid people never on the street lights.

then there was a sign.
every body chant "chicken rice! chicken rice! chicken rice!"
down the winding paths and super straight highways, we finally reached our final destination - dengkil.
when we reached the boss was just opening his stall so our timing was perfect!
it all started when kor kor suddenly walked into the kitchen 1 night and proclaimed that:
we all stared at him, puzzled.
not all chicken rice the same meh?
and so we started our journey in search of the dengkil chicken rice.
it was all well-planned where kor and i would sneak out to james place and then head over to dengkil together.
why must we sneak out you say?
the 1st time when we excitedly told dad and mom about our chicken rice journey,
mom pointed at me and said:
"you go out in the middle of the night manggali will rape you."
i was stunned.
then daddy pointed at kor kor and said:
"you go out in the middle of the night manggali will rob you."
double stunned.
and then we both got grounded for the night.
super potong steam.
but we never gave up.
2 days ago kor sms-ed me and said:
"we got 2 new comrades! it's time to embark on our chicken rice journey!"
and so at midnight kor crept into my room and woke me up and i quietly followed him out.
we were discussing in his room when SUDDENLY...
po po found out about us.
oh shit.
"we go james house to play ma" explained kor. (which is the truth oso)
"WHY GO SO LATE AHHH? SO LATE VERY DANGEROUS %^#*&@(@*@&@%@%^@&@*@(@"
and so she started on manggali theory again.
but kor and i stood firm and insisted to go to james's place. then po po got angry,
"I DUN CARE LAH!" she said, and started waving her hands in the air and stomped back into her room.
quickly, kor and i tip-toed down the stairs and fumbled with the keys cause it was dark.
then we noticed that some1 else had found out about us.
standing high on the stairs with her eyes boring into us,
we knew we were in deep shit.
slowly, she descended from the stairs and strolled towards us...
kor and i stood there stiffly, afraid that she might just wake all the others and get us into super deep shit.
as she appraoched us she stopped......and licked us.
her tail-wagging excitedly hoping that we would take her along with us.
silly dog.
i had to sayang her hoping that she won't bark and give us away while kor opened the doors. once we were out we quickly headed to the gate and as my bro was about to press the button to open the gate i stopped him.
"they'll hear the gate lah"
"ya hor. then how?"
"let's climb"
"i no problem. u can or not?"
i was confident,
then kor pulled himself onto the fence that seperated us from our neighbour and started to inch towards the pillar so that he can climb over it and reach the other side. everything was going well when SUDDENLY...
the slab of rock on the pillar that my bro had 1 foot on started to TILT.
kor turned around, looked at the gate, then looked at me, and whispered:
"know what? let's use the gate."
i nodded in agreement.
so kor climbed down from the fence and we opened the gate and dashed into the car. all the while there were 2 malays sitting outside their house opposite us staring at us in awe.
they must be thinking that we're 2 siao kias.
anyway we drove over to james's place which was only less than 30 seconds walk away and his gf - kelly opened the door for us.
there, we decided it was still early cause the shop only opens at 4 a.m so we hung around and played poker.
i placed my biggest bet ever there- 50 million.
walau eh, how many times in life can you actually bet like that?
of course, everything is possible with monopoly currency hehe.
i was winning when we checked on the time and decided that it was time to leave.
and so at 3.30 a.m we left pj and started our long journey towards dengkil.
the sky so dark.
eh wait, the roads also dark.
stupid people never on the street lights.
then there was a sign.
every body chant "chicken rice! chicken rice! chicken rice!"
down the winding paths and super straight highways, we finally reached our final destination - dengkil.
when we reached the boss was just opening his stall so our timing was perfect!
we were the 1st customers. the whole town was alseep.
so hungry....
and then food came!!
the famous dengkil chicken rice and zhu tou pi (literally, pig head skin)with cups of hot milos. YUM YUM! *drool*
we get to choose which part of the chicken we wanted (damn syok), and when he took out the chicken you could see that it was still steaming.
the secret of success = fresh!
we were happily eating and yakking away. the chicken's super delicious and i love the quiet atmosphere of the place. while we were eating, in came a mommy cat and her baby kitten roaming around seaching for food. they kept us company while we were there :)
after filling our tummys, we decided to head home to our darling beds.
we paid for our food and it was super cheap! a plate of chicken rice plus hot milo only 4 bucks leh.
"on your left you see the balai bomba"
"on your right is the MMU campus"
"people, we are now heading to dengkil"
tour guide and driver for the day - kor kor
the 2 love birds james and kelly.
wa it's already 5.18 a.m!
i crashed onto my bed once i reached home and only woke up at 12 this afternoon.
and if you guys were wondering what suffast means,
supper + breakfast= suffast
the whole trip was fun cause it's been a long time since i did something fun with my bro and we had great company plus yummy food :)
and so in conclusion,
so geng..
like mission impossible....
poor manggalis tho....
and so sweet of max,din give u guys away..lolz....
o my god...never tot u were that hungry....4 adventure...
hahaha..I'm impress that u will go the way jus for a plate of perfect chicken rice...
Nicely told. And interesting adventure, esp the fact that you guys have to sneak out like that. Nice pics you've got there... =D
jason: lol thank u thank u *bow**bow*
hui: she did lah =.= but it was after we were out of the gate when she started barking. angry cuz we didn't bring her gua lol.
cc: i'm impressed by meself too lol. nah...would never have done it w/o bro's "encouragement" ;p
jenn: haha thanks :) u've got another blog! so which 1 are u using now?
Hehe...nice story telling :)
Is the chicken rice really that nice, ah? Next time I must go try also...but I don't think I'll do it so "adventurously" la. haha
joey: thanks! lol. i'm not sure if the chicken rice is nice cuz it's nice or nice cuz i was soo hungry when we got there hehe. but it was nice.
am i making any sense? @.@
anyway do give it a try if u have the time to spare ;)
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