And then it occured to me that I haven't taken any pics with them in a long while...
and then this happened swt.
I KNOWWW, so scary right!!
I camwhored for like 10 minutes there and had to stop myself if not I would have missed the bus hahaha.
I don't know what is it with me and photos. Even now when I look at my iphone apps majority of them are photo apps hahah wtf.
I even bling-ified it with another app hahahahah. VAIN.
I guess now is the prime time for me to camwhore until one fine day I feel that I'm too old for it lol.
Seriously, being young gives you the excuse to do vain stuffs like this. Imagine if a 40 year old auntie did this, that'll probably be quite disturbing.
Not gonna let the age get to me now! Imma cam whore away and be happy! :D
You only get to be young once you know.
And so we decided to go :)
That's patchy and thumnus sitting on my lap while their owner was driving hehe.
To be honest I have no idea what the day is promote harmony perhaps? A friend suggested it might be a day to raise awareness against bullying.
We paid 5 bucks for entrance and here are some of the things we saw.
meet Iggy!
he's a handsome lab trained to be a guide dog! Iggy was attracted to thumnus and we thought awww.... until his owner said his life mission was to make all soft toys look like some road kill 0_o
apparently he's been destroying some soft toys at home lol.
so cute this two!
they had a pen with chickens, sheeps, deer and a spotted pig.
sounds like some big rojak bowl I must say. You can pay 3 bucks and play with them as long as you want :)
There were cultural performances too. We only stayed long enough to watch the Indian dance and some singing.
Had mos burger in Sunnybank after that and headed home cause it was raining :(
wore my favourite shade today!
Soon autumn will come and the maxi dresses will have to go in the box. boo :(
Sent him this pic first....
and then this one...
Because I couldn't decide which one would be more appealing so I sent both LOL.
and then I anxiously waited for a reply...
5 minutes passed and no message, was starting to drift back to sleep when suddenly this came in he layan me! LOL.
usually he would just reply with text messages but this time he actually took the time to scribble a note and took a pic with it too.awwwwwww....
and my last reply =)
We set up a Skype date after that.
This year would be our first time celebrating Valentine's as a couple but boyfie was very upset that we couldn't spend it together. Needless to say, I was brooding too. *sulks*
I thought of getting myself some salmon for dinner since it's Valentine. Maybe some good food would cheer me up! But I ended up doing work in the library till late and by the time I was done all the shops were closed, FML.
I felt horibble. This year I was feeling more lonely than usual because I always, always had someone with me during Valentine's. Even when I was single my bestie and I would also get together and celebrate this day together.
This year even bestie is too far away from me =(
But being my bestest bestie she still managed to surprise me with a virtual bouquet!
I LOVE YOU BESTIE! Thank you for being so thoughtful when you sensed that I was down *hugs*
At night I was having indomee for dinner and feeling depressed again. Suddenly there was some incoming "spam" in whatsapp and I complained that I had no Valentine dinner.
This time, lily and her bf did the funniest and most heart-warming thing... by skyping me during their dinner LOL.

But the line was so bad for a while that's all I saw.
Eventhough they couldnt hear me very well, they showed me their very tempting affogato and both of them took turns to talk to me and kept me occupied during this lonely Valentine.
Wanted to say I'm #foreveralone but how could I? When I have such a lovely partner and wonderful friends around me.
Everytime things get hard I want all of you to know that each of you have in many ways become a source of strength and motivation to keep me going on.
I love each of you so so much.
Happy Valentine's Day! =)
This year, on the same day, I return to the airport again to be on the same flight back to Brisbane.
Only daddy and mommy came to send me off this time. And as I hugged her, my nose turned sour and I had to purposely avoid eye-contact with her after that to avoid bursting into tears.
I thought it would be easier this time, knowing that I'm flying back to a not-so-unfamiliar land, with my houssie waiting to pick me from the airport. But saying goodbye again for another year brought upon a different level of sorrow upon me.
I hate parting with my loved ones again. But perhaps it's also because I know exactly what I'm flying back to. That dreaded feeling of going back to something that I'm not even sure if I want it anymore. But I have to bear the results of my choices and I will finish what I've started even though I've grown to dislike it to quite an extent.
Who's there to tell you what to do when you suddenly realized what you've been going after is not what you want?
I have so many things to blog about ever since my holidays started on the 5th of December!
Being back home is the best feeling ever =)
There were so many gatherings, there was also CF and my Xmas Singapore trip and finally, I've just returned from Taiwan last week.
and the most memorable thing that happened in Taiwan was probably how we almost missed our flight.
I've been late for dinners, meetings and movies...but I tell you nothing scares me as much as missing a flight.
Never ffk a plane man.
Story goes that on the last day, we decided to do some last minute souvenir shopping in the Taipei Station. A very friendly shopkeeper at Shi Lin the night before told me that they had a floor dedicated to selling some of Taiwan's best pastries to visitors.
All she said was that it was on the second floor.
And the station was HUGE. so HUGE that the locals can get lost inside it. There were so many underground malls and passages that after half an hour of searching boyfie and I were pretty much lost. Asked for directions and they were lost themselves =.="
In the end we walked out of the tunnel to the main roads and decided to walk towards the building and start from there.
That easily took us about an hour and a half.
After that it took us about another half an hour to locate the correct floor and start our pastry hunting. I decided to try every shop's pineapple tart until I find the one worth me bringing back.
By the time I found the one it was 1.30 p.m.
Plane flies at 3.30 p.m.
1.30 I was suppose to be leaving the hotel. What happened to time???
Asked boyfie why didn't he warn me and he said he didn't wanted to be too pushy.
oh dai dai dai.
By the time we managed to buy everything and hail a cab it was about 2 p.m.!
Reached back the hotel boyfie and I transformed into super packers and packed all the souvenirs as fast as we could and called a cab.
And waited.
...and waited.
It was raining and time was running thin.
By the time we got on the cab it was near 2.30. Talk about being 2 hours there before check in time blehh.
I fell asleep in the cab but boyfie was so nervous he was planning what to do if we missed the flight.
When I opened my eyes I saw that it was 2.50 p.m. OMG.
Mother Mary Jesus Buddha please hail that plane.
The taxi pulled up at the airport at 3.15 p.m and I ran as quick as I could to the counter and left boyfie there to handle the taxi and the luggage.
Counter was blinking red indicating it was closed.
Oh no you don't.
Grabbed boyfie and the stuff and ran to the check-in counter at 3.20 p.m. An uncle was there and he asked me where I was going and I answered "Malaysia!"
He shook his head and told the girl to process our boarding pass as quick as possible and shouted at us to RUN.
And run we did.
I could hear them broadcasting the last call for our flight and that made my heart sank like titanic.
We ran all the way through customs and rows and rows of shops until we reached the boarding gate.
And lucky for us, we managed to board the plane.
I didn't dare to utter a word until we were both seated and buckled up.
Boyfie:"Never in my life, has this ever happened to me before."
Me:"Look at all the new experiences I bring to you!" *BIG GRIN*
Boyfie gave me a very meh look.
To be honest, I don't think I want to give such expierences to anyone anymore. Including myself.
But to conclude it all, Taiwan trip was awesome!
I am planning to save up and go back there for a shopping trip again hehe. But no more chasing planes this time *shivers*